Friday, May 31, 2019

Bram Stoker’s Dracula Essay -- English Literature

Bram Stokers genus DraculaBram Stokers Dracula is a classic example of mediaeval typography. black letterwriting was very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the earlycenturies, Gothic writing would frighten the audience and it was alsoused as a style of architecture. Dracula, which was first published in1897, would definitely cause a shock as at that place was a supernaturalbeing, roaming around sucking peoples blood by the neck. Gothicliterature usually includes vampires, monsters or some reference of ancientmystical creature. It is also set in medieval castles with secretpassages, dungeons and ghost places. There are various types ofGothic literature such as romance and horror. There is just usuallyhorror used but mixing both has also become very popular. Romance onits hold was very well-liked in the 19th century. The word Gothicactually comes from the Goths language. A Goth was considered one of aGerman tribe who invaded Eastern and Western Europe. Gothic was a typeof architecture prevalent in Western Europe in the 12th - 16thcenturies, it was barbarous, rude and uncouth. Dracula contains a lot Gothic conventions which incite the reader. Aconvention is the main point of a specific type of writing, forexample in Dracula there is the use of journeys/quests, diaries,letters, journals, weird places and impertinent creatures. Theseconventions are essential in the story of Dracula and it is importantto understand them.Dracula, just like any former(a) gothic piece of writing has avillain/vampire-Dracula, a hero-Jonathan Harker and a victim-Mina. VanHelsing also plays a main role as the slayer of Dracula.Chapter 1, like a lot of the other chapters is indite in journalstyle. This journal is of the main ... and also the plan tokill Dracula. There is more than one convention but still it will nonexcite the reader as much as the other chapters.Bram Stoker has created such an effective piece of Gothic Writing asthe reader preserve feel how it wo uld be if they were in the samepredicament as some of the characters such as Mina and Jonathan. Theconventions express ones feelings out run like all the opinions inthe journals and the letters to each other. Suspense and fear aresomething that people express in their own way, not everyone can chance onthe same thing frightening. Some people may just be scared of seeingDracula and the way he kills everyone by sucking their blood, otherpeople may fear turning into a vampire or becoming a victim. He triesto make us see how it would feel like, if there was a blood thirstymonster staring at you, ready to pounce

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